Result of yesterday’s quiz

ಸ್ವರಾಕ್ಷರಗಳಿಗೆ ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಏನು ಅಂತ ಕರೀತಾರೆ?

No. of attempts: 87

The correct answer for the question is :  VOWELS

No. of right answers: 83

Lucky winners

1. Jeevan  from Manipal

2. Jc. HGF. Mary John from Nellyady

3. Preethi Sequeira from Brahmavar

4. Ansar Sheik from Indrali

5. Sowmya from Hiriadka Kondadi .

Congratulations to all participants as well as the winners.

Day 2: Unit 3 (to be completed before 12.30 pm)

Module 2: Reading

Reading is a fun way to learn English, because it doesn’t have to feel like studying. With reading, you can enjoy a story while improving your English along the way.

Here is the link below where you get a detailed information regarding reading.

Assignment 1:

Story Reading

English stories will help you recognize proper grammar and get used to the rules. 

Read the below story loudly and try to narrate it in your own words

Unhappy old man

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The whole village was tired of him. He was always gloomy; he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood.

The longer he lived, the more bile he started becoming and the more poisonous were his words. People avoided him, because his misfortune became contagious. It was even unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him.

He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

But one day, when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumour:

“The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything. Smile in his face has  freshened him up.”

The whole village gathered together. The old man was asked few questions by the Villagers

 “What happened to you?”

The old man replied

“Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And now I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.”

All the villagers were happy to see that the old man was satisfied in life. They all lived happily ever after.

Moral of the story:

Don’t chase happiness, Enjoy your life as it is.

Assignment 2


Listen to the following video and try to understand

Day 2: Unit 4 (to be completed before 8.30 pm)

Watch the below short movie by listening to the pronunciation and accent carefully

Tongue Twister for the day

Helen wore helmet to avoid hell meet

(Repeat it 10 times quickly)

Question for the day

Identify the correct sentence and send it to us through Whatsapp. If you are lucky enough your name will be selected and posted in the website tomorrow among the top 5 lucky contestants.

1. What time is it ?

2 .What time it is ?




Send your answers through whats app to 9483247301

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